
Showing posts from May, 2017


In recent years, the best-performing systems in artificial-intelligence research have come courtesy of neural networks, which look for patterns in training data that yield useful predictions or classifications. A neural net might, for instance, be trained to recognis e certain objects in digital images or to infer the topics of texts. But neural nets are black boxes. After training, a network may be very good at classifying data, but even its creators will have no idea why. With visual data, it’s sometimes possible to automate experiments that determine which visual features a neural net is responding to. But text-processing systems tend to be more opaque. VIRTUAL BRAIN Neural networks are so called because they mimic — approximately — the structure of the brain. They are composed of a large number of processing nodes that, like individual neurons, are capable of only very simple computations but are connected to each other in dense networks. In a process referred to as