
Showing posts from January, 2017


Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and the machine-learning startup PatternEx have demonstrated an artificial intelligence platform that predicts cyber-attacks with 85% accuracy. Named as AI2, this artificial intelligence platform is roughly three times better than present security systems, and also reduces the number of false positives by a factor of 5. Drawbacks in the present Security systems The present security systems are either  Human or Machine-centric . The human based Security systems rely on the existing rules created by living experts and therefore miss any attacks that don’t match the rules. Similarly, the machine reliant systems rely on “anomaly detection,” which tends to trigger false positives that both create distrust of the system and end up having to be investigated by humans, anyway. However,  AI2  is a platform that makes use of human intelligence and machine capabilities simultaneously. It predicts


What exactly is machine learning? The simplest definition i can give :-   "Machine Learning it the branch of AI that explores ways to improve decision making capability of computers i.,e,performance based on experience."  Let’s break that down to set some foundations on which to build our machine learning knowledge. Branch of AI:  Artificial intelligence is the study and development by which a computer and its systems are given the ability to successfully accomplish tasks that would typically require a human’s intelligent behaviour. Machine learning is a part of that process. It’s the technology and process by which we train the computer to accomplish the said task. Explores ways:  Machine learning techniques are still emerging. Some models for training a computer are already recognised and used (as we will see below), but it is expected that more will be developed with time. The idea to be remembered here is that different models can be used when training a comp