
Showing posts from December, 2016


Unlike conventional computers, with separate memory and processing, neural networks serve as both memory and processor. And since processing can occur in localized sections throughout, brains are also much better at multitasking. Traditional computers have to do most of that multitasking in a sequence, so it takes ages. Spaun would do much better running on hardware that works more like a neural network does. Many consider artificial neural networks implemented on chips to be the next leap in computing, allowing faster processing with lower power needs for tasks like handling images, audio and video.  Hardware is facing bottlenecks because we can’t keep making devices faster and faster. This has forced people to reexamine neuromorphic approaches. Qualcomm and IBM are right on this with the new chips Zeroth and True North. These chips are hardwired with versions of neurons and synapses in traditional computing parts, but a relatively new electronic component enables a more direct

The Virtual Brain

Technology certainly seems smarter than it was a decade ago. Most smartphones can now listen and talk. Computers are getting much better at interpreting images and video. Facebook, for instance, can recognize your face if you’re tagged in enough photos. These advances are largely thanks to machine learning, the technique of writing algorithms that can be “trained” to recognize images or sounds by analyzing many examples. Let’s start at the bottom. Much is known about the brain’s connections at the cellular level. Each neuron gathers electrical signals from those to which it is connected. When the total incoming current is high enough, it sends out an electrical pulse. That pulse is the neuron firing, also called spiking. When a neuron fires, it provides input to the neurons connected to its outgoing “wires.” In terms of computers, that’s a processing behaviour – the neurons filter their incoming signals and decide when to send one out. But the connections between the neurons, call


As we have seen in Terminator series that machine takes over the Humans, same in the matrix series also. Did you ever thought can this be ever possible? If yes then how we will gonna control that change?Did you ever thought that how script writers can think something like that without being known to all this? Well this all  can possible with AI(Artificial Intelligence) or now days it's called as Machine Learning. Machine Learning is the new concept by which machine can learn human behavior and provide information as per requirement and they can change their behavior person to person. So big question is that how they can do that? This is concept completely related to Human Brain. Human Brain is the most complex structure to understand. Scientist isn't able to understand completely, as they tries to resolve mystery of this, they find something new in this segment. According to research analysis our brain consist of 10 billion's of neural network or it can be more. So jus