
Showing posts from October, 2016


Well as the title says I am going to talk about The Human Mind. Will you ever thought that why all humans have more power to think, to do, to imagine and to evolve something different for ourselves only? Can Animals think for doing something different for their species and can they do that? If the answer is yes then why they can’t done it till now and when will they do that? If no than why we can do only that and how we can modify that for ourselves? There should be the difference between the maturity of the minds and it can be the difference between the psychological states of the both minds. Do you think that if it is so then why we can’t modify their brains also? Well there is vast matter for the discussion about this and we will discuss that briefly in this article only. Will you all ever think that why some students are strong in their studies and some are not? Why different – different states of mind takes place in this world for ourselves only? If you ever have all these quest